There is a problem with the US energy constumtion. We have been depending on to much of energy that is nonrewable. So in 2007 our energy consumption for nonrewable resources was 94.3%. With the ice caps melting and our earth heating up time is running out of the earths life. We must change our ways by providing a healther place for trees, animals and people to live and reproduce.

You should use more information besides just the information that was on the energy_sustainability word document. But you have good information from that document.
ReplyDeleteYou have good evidence from what was shown but try and research it more to find other facts.
ReplyDeleteThis is good info, but you need to explain more problems with other energy sources other than petroleum. The facts that you had supported your ideas very throughly.
ReplyDeleteThe beginning was a little confusing. It hasn't only been like that in 2007. Its been like that ever since we started using nonrenewable (mark h) aka Law enforces...
ReplyDeleteIt's informational but try using different sources like different sites.
ReplyDeletethe population thing and that means more energy is a good point
ReplyDeleteYou use key factors about how the earths energy is used. Plus I like how you had facts to back up your details
ReplyDeletePretty good information. Try to use more facts to back up your points. other than that very good.
ReplyDeleteGot some good info here. Try to use a different source othere than that Word document. Good thought about solar energy.
ReplyDeleteSolar energy is a clean renewable source of energy but it doesnt produce very much power and it's expensive.
ReplyDeleteGood, population is a big factor in how much resources we use. Include some more renewable resources that could be used instead of just Solar.